The Korean Society for Western Medieval History

본회는 서양중세사의 연구와 이와 관련된 학술활동 및 정보교류를 목적으로 한다.


pISSN: 1229-4454

Korea Society for Western Medieval History (2006)

서양 중세의 수사학 - 수사학의 그리스도교화를 중심으로


(목포대학교 윤리교육과)

One of the central features in the medieval history of western rhetoric is the Christianization of the classical rhetoric. The core of the justification of the secular rhetoric for the Christian end consists in the fact that the Holy Scripture is written in the manner of rhetorical speech, and thus learning rhetoric helps in understanding the true teachings of the Bible. The Christianization of the classical rhetoric culminates in the program of lectio divina (prayerful reading of the Bible) in the monastery, which was practically the only institution for the education and culture in Western Latin world since 5th century. As an orthopraxis of monastic life, lectio divina realizes the Christian ideal of morality, which is guided and formed by rhetorical precepts. This function of the 'monastic rhetoric' as the moral principle of everyday practices is to be regarded as the explicit formulation of the assumption implicit in the classical rhetoric, namely the education of a good man through the rhetorical practices. As is generally known, the modern rhetoric does not accept the Christian end. The question is whether this attitude implies the refusal of the moral justification of the rhetoric too. If the modern rhetoric denies the moral justification unlike the medieval rhetoric, it is worthwhile to question whether the alleged 'decrease' of the modern rhetoric is due to this refusal.
  아우구스티누스(Augustinus),히에로니무스(Hiernoymus),성서 수사학(Scriptural rhetoric),수도원 수사학(monastic rhetoric),영적 독서(lectio divina)

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